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The Sound of Drowning is Here!

Well, the day I’ve been anxiously waiting for is finally here:

The Sound of Drowning is now available!

The book that I spent so many months working on is now out there in the world for readers to discover and hopefully fall in love with. It’s an emotional, twisty, and compulsively readable story about love, loss, and picking up the pieces.

For those of you who aren’t writers, you may not be aware of the lead time involved in publishing a book. So, I thought I’d share a little of the process involved in taking this story from the first seeds of an idea to a book available at your local bookstore.

The Sound of Drowning was written during November of 2016, during an online writing challenge called National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo. It’s a fantastic program that encourages writers to focus on producing their first draft and editing later. I wrote 60,000 words of this book during that one month. Of course, the draft was in rough shape, but after a few months of editing with my agent and feedback from beta readers, we submitted the completed manuscript to editors in late spring 2017.

In the fall of 2017, we received an offer to publish the book from Page Street Kids. Yay! In an author’s world, this is the most exciting news to receive! Since that time, the book has been through multiple rounds of edits and reviews. It received a new name and a gorgeous cover. A million other steps happened behind the scene related to sales, marketing and promotion.

And now you can check out the final product! If you are interested, you can find the book on Amazon, Chapters, Barnes & Noble and other book retailers. The links are also on my website. If you really want to support an author, we encourage you to visit the retailer’s online site after you finish reading and leave a review. Honest reviews are a great way to help other readers discover your favorite authors!

Thanks so much for reading and hope you are all having a fantastic week!

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